2018 Leader Dogs Classic Sponsorship
Following is a list of Sponsorships available for the 2018 Leader Dog’s Classic. If you would like to sign up for one or more of these sponsorship opportunities, please contact Shaya Shams as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity.
Contact: Shaya Shams
Phone: 602-882-1718
Email: shaya@ldclassic.org
Presenting Sponsor – $15,000
- Two foursomes (8 golfers) + Attendance for 16 to Awards Ceremony
- Name/Logo displayed on all press releases & promotional materials
- Name/Logo on front of Event Brochure (agreement prior to printing)
- Item in participant giveaway bag
- Full page ad in event program book
- Option to place a hand-out or promotional item at each place setting
- Two (2) hole sponsorships with signage & company representatives
- Opportunity to hang banner at Awards Banquet & Registration Area
- Rights to retain Presenting Sponsorship on a 2-year continuum
- Recognition in Leader Dogs for the Blind publications: website and magazine (print+online)
- National circulation of UPDATE MAGAZINE: 50,000
- Electronic banner advertising on Registration website (Birds Ease), Auction website (GiveSmart) and LDC website
- Recognition at Awards Ceremony
Phoenix Sponsors (2) – $5,000
- 4 golfers and attendance for 8 to Awards Ceremony
- One (1) Hole sponsorships w/ company representatives
- Table tent at banquet
- Name/Logo prominently displayed on all press releases, printed and promotional materials
- Recognition at Awards Ceremony
- Opportunity to put item in participant giveaway bag
- Full page ad in event program
Eagle Sponsors (4) – $2,500
- 4 golfers and attendance for 8 to Awards Ceremony
- Opportunity to put item in participant giveaway bag
- Recognition at Awards Ceremony
- Full page ad in event program
- One (1) hole sponsorship with signage
- Exposure on one contest hole: Blind golf shot hole or Closest to the Pin
Luncheon Sponsor – $2,000
Underwrites all lunch programs
- 2 golfers and attendance for 4 to Awards Ceremony
- Opportunity to put item in participant giveaway bag
- Full page ad in event program
- Item in giveaway bag
Birdie Sponsors (4) – $1,500
- 2 golfers and attendance for 2 to Awards Ceremony
- Recognition in selected press releases and promotional materials
- Opportunity to put item in participant giveaway bag
- Full page ad in event program
- Recognition at Awards Ceremony
Print Sponsorship – $1,500
- 2 golfers and attendance for 4 to Awards Ceremony
- Full page ad in event program
- Item in giveaway bag
Driving Range – $1,000
- 2 Golfers
- Ad space in brochure
- Recognition in LDC media
- Logo on Website
- Gift in gift bag
Hole-In-One (4) – $500
- 1 Golfer
- Ad space in brochure
- Recognition in LDC media
- Logo on Website
- Gift in gift bag
Closest to the Pin (4) – $500
- 1 Golfer
- Ad space in brochure
- Recognition in LDC media
- Logo on Website
- Gift in gift bag
Contact: Shaya Shams
Phone: 602-882-1718
Email: shaya@ldclassic.org
Leader Dogs Classic, Inc. is an Arizona 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization – Tax ID #86-0982234